STUBC Week 3 – Fun With Photos


What would a blog be without images?

But where do you get those images?


Most images on Google are protected by copyright. This means, they are not free to use and you can get into trouble if you do use them without permission.

So where can you find images to use on your blog?


What are Creative Commons?  Let’s take a look.



If you are looking to use an image that requires attribution (giving credit to the creator), visit this site which explains how to use the TASL strategy for giving attribution to content creators.

Tasks for Week 3

1. Make your own image that gives your readers some insight into what they can expect from your blog.

  • You can do this by taking a photo, editing a photo of yours, drawing an image using online tools…
  • Add your image(s) to a blog post and write about the images and how you made them. If you used an online tool, include the link so others can try it.

2. Find Creative Commons photos using the sites linked on the Thinglink above. (3 photos minimum)

  • Find images that bring your readers’ attention to our Earth Day campaign of “Protect Our Species”.
  • Create a slideshow post using the images you find. You can use the slider feature in the Live Shortcodes plugin to quickly add a slideshow to a post, page, or sidebar. Instructions are here. Another option is the Metaslider Plugin with the instructions here.
  • Write a Haiku Poem that brings awareness of the human effects on species extinction that is included with the post.

3. Submit each task separately by pasting the URL from each post into the Google Form linked here. (You should be submitting the Form TWICE).

Good Luck with your tasks this week!

Ms. A


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